Saturday, October 1, 2011


We are know on our way to Las Vegas, but as a consequence, you pass through (SLIP OF THE FREEWAY AND ON TO) some old bits of the original Route 66 Hwy and iconic old 66 towns The first town was Williams... old motels. and plenty of other old buildings selling R66 memorabilia, baby boomers everywhere.
It's here that you turn off for the  Hwy and do the 54 mile trip into and then out to the 'Grand Canyon south rim'
Compared to the north rim this was tourism at a crush.There were thousands of people like us who mostly take in the views along the well defined pathways. The rim track runs for a few miles. we covered about 400metres before the rain storm hit and sent us running to the car,...we decided that was enough.of the Canyon for us., Other view points are reached by shuttle buses and short or long hikes
It is possible to walk across the width of the canyon from either visitor a 2 days hike
 The views at  the  south rim are more expansive than the nth side.
Just before entering the park we watched a 45 min IMAX movie on the early inhabitants of the canyon
and the exploration of the river canyon by Europeans in the mid 1800's. The theatre is housed in a National Geographic Information Center..we both loved the being in a plane.
Tonight we are in another R66 town called Kingman, once again plenty of shops and 66 signs every where. We have also discovered that these towns are also railway towns one of the busiest train lines in the country....a train every 15 min or will we sleep tonight??

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