Friday, October 28, 2011



Our last day in the USA was a frustrating one. Our flight with V Australia   was Sunday at 8.35pm but the best we could do at our hotel for a late check out was 2pm. After 2pm we had another 2.5hrs to fill before we were picked up by the shuttle bus.  It arrived  right on time to take us to the LA Airport. That shuttle trip took  45 min to get us to the airport 3 hours before take off.
Everything went ok, until I declined an offer to remove my new braces from my pants....".bad mistake" especially when passing through US customs and immigration. My action led to a full body search and "pat down"
My reason for keeping braces on was that I have lost a kilo or 2 while on hols and my already loose pants would hit the floor without some serious holding up.... I'm not one to seek such attention but I knew the metal clips would send any metal detector into a panic....however , no explanation by me was going to change the US govt officials mind or his desire to follow all protocols.
After being a public spectacle for more than 5 minutes with arms out and legs well spread I was cleared for the take-off
The plan took off on time ..but that 15.5 hours journey is a killer
We were picked up at Melbourne Airport  by our wonderful neighbors, who got us home for what we thought would be a hot shower and a good sleep, but alas that wasn't to be, jet lag, time changes and about 36 hours without sleep meant that for the 4 nights, we have been up and down at all hours, but I can now report we are almost back to normal routine.
We had a wonderful holiday in the US and would encourage anyone with an interest in it to go. The country side is truly "grand" with the whole gamut of inspiring land and seascapes. There are great towns and cities to explore. Some  towns are new and flashes others old and historic with lots of character The National Parks in the US are fantastic, they are so well run and give everyone the chance to enjoy and appreciate such great countryside. We found the people helpful and very friendly. The cost of holidaying in the US is considerably cheaper to a similar self drive holiday you could have in Australia.
We found the food the most difficult to adjust too, different flavours, lots of sugar and salt and frying oils, but we coped and survived.However we also had some great meals and enjoyed a few good beers and wines
This holiday will long live in our memory...... we hope you liked following our adventure.
Well that's it folks... RUMBELOW'S USA HOLIDAY 2011.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

LA GRAND CITY TOUR.... So the brochure says!!

We did the 10 hour  Starlight Tour from Anaheim touring LA and its major features, we were excited... but it turned out to be quite a boring day.  The journey into LA took an hour from Anaheim then there was the drops offs from other tour options to Universal Studios and Hollywood. We saw the Hollywood sign and a view over LA then back in the bus. The major problem with the tour was that the driver's commentary  was very limited, so half the time we were wondering why is that so significant. So we wouldn't recommend this tour, there was one that took in Universal Studios, with a half day devoted to Universal and the other half looking at the down town and movies stars houses that might have been better.So the message is... be very careful about what you choose if you ever do something like this. We did see the walk of fame and a lot of characters representing some of the famous actors. We saw the stars on the footpath with the names of the famous. We saw a few Hollywood stars homes eg Jackie Collins, Al Pacino and a glimpse in the direction of Tom Cruise' home and all the houses in this area very  luxurious.  We went to the pier and saw the beach in the fog, we went and saw Muscle Beach in the fog, but we did see quite a few characters and a lot of homeless.
Our 10 hour day became 11 hours after all the drop-offs. So we were very tired at the end of the day.

PICS..'.THE GRAND LA TOUR'.......not really!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Today we moved hotels, we are now at the ' Clarion hotel' still an easy walk to Disneyland and restaurants... it's a hotel we chose from a brochure supplied by the Flightcentre.... there are better and cheaper in the same area....but we can't change what is!!
After lunch we went and saw a movie 'The Ides of March"..a US political film,about betrayal and corruption in a fight as a candidate for US president ...not bad, stared George Clooney,who also directed and produced.
Out to dinner soon,and that's about it for the day.
We need to be up early tomorrow as we are off on a 10hr tour of downtown LA, Hollywood, and Venice Beach,wharf area....will we survive it...stay tuned.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


We were up early for day 2 at Disneyland, and headed for the fast track tickets for Star Tours in 3D,these tickets should give us quick access to the ride between certain hours. In the meantime we headed for
California Adventure Park. The park is under going alot of re construction, and we felt it didn't have the atmosphere of Disneyland. However we walked around and chose a few fairly sedate rides. TThe pick of the experiences in CA Park was a ride called "Soaring over California" We queued for 40 minutes but it was worth it....thanks John and Lib. You enter a dim room and sit in a row of seats that held about10 at least and there were about 6 sets of seats,after stapping in and putting on 3D glasses, the room goes black and the seats start to move up and forward into a now 360 degree 3D film Of California's famous attractions and cities. Its like being in a hang glider, you soar up and plunge down, curve and twist with the film and moving seats.....fantastic
At 1 pm we were meant to use our fast ticket for the next big ride.....just our luck...technical fault show closed till off we go to lunch. After lunch we give it another go..yes its on we go!
40 people enter a room we all sit down and strap in once again put on 3D glasses,,,,,we are off seats shake ,rattle and roll as the story goes on flying in star wars fashion......but wait..our film stops but not the the end everyone complains...yes another technical hitch. We all move to another room, this time all goes, well what a ride we have, would do it again but not standing in line for 40minutes....we call it a day, that's Disneyland folks.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 We got to the gate at 10pm, and started our walk about. Neither of us are attracted to the very "wild" rides but we did line up for a ride called "big thunder mountain railroad" and was it a wild ride, after that experience we went for much ..more subdued rides. However tomorrow we intend to use the fast track system to try a couple of  popular rides...we will probably regret it.
The PARK is divided into 2 major sections 'Disneyland " and California Adventure park"
Today was Disneyland.
We rode fire engines, steam trains, monorails, paddle steamers, jungle boats and revolving chairs in a cave..... it's all good fun but very big in area and very busy. You have to queue for everything. they do have a fast track system that helps.

We spent 7 hours there but didn't have the stamina to stay for the 7 o'clock parade.
Lets see what happens on day 2!!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


We left Carlsbad in the fog and traveled the 94km into Anaheim and what a drive it was!! Eight lanes of speeding traffic all going north, off ramps by a score, cars cutting in and out as we both watch out to avoid any last minute incident. We have the car back one and half days early with no desire to do any LA
driving at all.
We had a hold up finalizing the car hire bill with Alamo car hire....there seemed to be a bit of a discrepancy between them and the Internet booking company we used, but, in the end it all worked out....we got a  great deal.
We are staying at the Super8 motel a short walk to Disneyland. The weather here is fine and cooler than 2 months ago but still T shirts and shorts. This arvo we collected our tickets and will set off early tomorrow morning for the first  day of our 2 day pass..

Monday, October 17, 2011



Today we have walked the main street and some back street of "Carlsbad" for 4 hours ,which did include a very nice fish and chip lunch at a seaside cafe....very good.
While eating lunch we were thinking about what worked well and what didn't for us over the past 7 weeks.
Only book airfare if using an agent, or if really brave book on line. We found that the Flightcenter matched the cheapest fare I could find and beat it by a dollar!!
If flying into LA, ...stay out of LA, everything is cheaper.(don't hire a car at the airport there are extra taxes and charges and the stress of driving in LA isn't worth is....hire at Anaheim is our advice.
A very good Hotel chain in Nth West states in US is Red Lion Hotels.....They have a good hotel near Disneyland,.. full breakfast but a fee for car if  parking but wi fi is included in the tarrif.In other location parking is free.
We found this chain of hotels was nearly always in a great location and quite close to the attraction.
Best hire car rate by    they only deal with non USA or Canadians
Car hire time in USA would appear to be calculated in 30 day lots,
Our 56 day hire was some $750 better than the best Flightcenter rate  ( consider x-change rate) check them out..
If you have a seniors card use it here, for accommodation ( 10 to 15%) saving per stay, for public transport and sometimes meals, entry to major attractions is usually a few dollars but it all adds up.
If going to National Parks buy a Beautiful America Pass ($80) as most entries to NP are $$25 some $20.
We could give you a list of parks and towns we really liked,
Tipping takes a bit of adjusting to but if you double the Tax shown on the bill in a restaurant you are pretty close....$2 in a hotel for the maid per day is enough
For 8 weeks tips will cost us about US$600.
Wi Fi is free in nearly all hotels
Buy a mobile phone in the US, DON'T use international roaming on your Aussie phone
We paid $15 for a basic Pre paid phone and $25 for calls to book accommodation as we went along
We found the weather to be almost perfect from mid August to Late Oct.....crowds are down, kids are in school
Skype is worth considering for Phone or Video Phone to family and friends....set up in Aus,,and check out carefully the rate system that you think will best suit your call pattern.
We found CBA mastercard charged with US currency worked well, we avoided ATM 'S and drew out
thousand $ lots in cash over the counter of banks and we paid no transaction fees. ( We aren't CBA account holders)
If we think of other things to pass on we will do it when we get home,

Sunday, October 16, 2011


We spent the morning and part arvo of the 3rd day having a look over the decommissioned aircraft carrier the Midway...It was built about 1943 and saw service in WW2, Korean war and Vietnam, it was for most of that period the biggest ship of the US fleet, it had a crew of about 3500, sailor's , pilots etc

We did our tour using a headphone set and Ipod,but the bridge area was a conducted tour.
All in all an interesting 3 hours.
About one o'clock we headed down Hwy 101 (coastal road) to a town called will be a 2 night stay.
Lets see what we can discover here!!


Saturday, October 15, 2011



We left our seaside accommodation early ( very expensive) after arranging new accommodation over the mobile, then it was off to the zoo. The Zoo bills its self as one of the worlds best, it certainly an attractive place ,developed on 100 acres of hilly terrain . But its not just a zoo but also a world class Botanical Gardens,
.Like most things American it was very well organized and catered for everyone. First we took a 35 minute double decker bus tour of the main features with commentary and appropriate stops. The range of animals is very extensive,and with good info to read at each exhibition. However we were a bit surprised by the lack of free range space for bigger animals. They do have another area outside the city limits as a free range zoo, but even given that we must say the Melbourne Zoo does a great job and we should be quite proud of it.... even given this criticism, it is still a great place to visit
We finished up the day with a chair lift ride across the park, and a final check of the Australian animal section to see all was correct.
Not sure what we will do will be a surprise to us all.

Friday, October 14, 2011


We left Palm Springs having enjoyed 95/100 degree days by the pool having interesting conversations with Americans and Canadian Snowbirds....(.like grey nomads) who are escaping the Canadian winter.
We arrived at our hotel about 12.30pm to find the city pretty cool and cloudy...unusual we were told.
The cities tourist attractions are well spread around the city an access by public transport a bit with map and GPS we set off to find a few things.....inner city beach area nothing to write home about, next was the Sea Village and Marina area, with the aim of seeing the aircraft carrier Midway However ,on the way you pass through the sea village tourist area, that's where we slowed down. We need to go back tomorrow after our Zoo excursion.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We had a good few hours out today, with the highlight being the Aerial Tram ride up into the state park
The Valley Station  is about 6 miles from the town boundary, up a step road. ...for $16 each ( senior) you board the tramway revolving carriage with up to 79 others, we didn't have that many people on our trips,
As the carriage ascends to the top at 8500 feet it does 2 complete rotations, giving everyone on board a great view, the trip takes 11 minutes to reach the Mountain Station. The tramway passes 5 towers before it reaches the top, 4 of the tower had to have all the buildings taken to site by helicopter. Once at the top the view are quite spectacular. There are a number of food outlets,natural history museum and movie theater, and access to the state park and 54 miles of hiking trails.