Saturday, September 17, 2011


We arrived at Moab about 11.30 am got a room straight away and just as well, this town and all the surrounding parks are very popular. By 12.30 we were off into the park.  We were gobsmacked when we drove up the very steep and dramatic incline into the park and as usual the pics we took cannot take in all that we see and want to show, but here is a few.  The story of the park that the geologists tell is that it lies atop an underground salt bed that is responsible for the many many arches,spires,balanced rocks sandstone fins and eroded monoliths of this area. Apparently it is thousands of feet thick in places, and the salt bed was deposited across the Colorado plateau 300 million years ago when the sea flowed into the area. Over millions of years, residue from floods, winds and the oceans that came and went blanketed the salt bed which became compressed as rock, hence what we see today. We walked to see the many arches and special areas cant tell you how many km's we did but we were tired in the end. We had dinner at a very popular Italian restaurant we had to wait to get a table, the food was pretty good , but as usual too much cheese in the dish , hence too rich for our tender tummies.  Tomorrow we are off to see Canyon Lands NP and we have been told it is spectacular too with deep cliffs..

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