Friday, September 23, 2011


To day we arrived  in TAOS, a town of some 10,000 people, it is another tourist town in lots of respect but it does have a long history with regard to opening up the south ,west of the country.A favourite local son is Kit Carson, who played an important part in this development.
There are some lovely old parts to the town,especially around the plaza square.
All the old shops have been restored but all seem to sell, fashion, jewelery, and food, newer parts of town have been built to look old.
The building style is like nothing else we have seen so far on this holiday. The buildings are mud and concrete, exposed timber beams and flat roofs. Bright colors on doors and window frames contrast the  yellow/pink/ grey of the adobe structure....all very Mexican.
On the way into Taos we visited a very unique community called Earthships,
There are 3 communities in NM, and all the brain child of Michael Reynolds.
People buy onto his communal land and purchase one of his basic designs,which they can also modify,
The whole concept is fully self contained sustainable living.

We figured you you need between $350000 do it yourself  to $550000 to get a trained "crew" to help you. There are some amazing houses, usually using old tires as the basic building tool which are then rendered.... has to be seen really.
After leaving the Earthships Community we crossed the Rio Grande River on the second longest single span bridge in the USA.  The gorge the river runs through is very deep indeed, as it snakes its way across the landscape. We are now in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains,
Tomorrow we do the enchanted circle...which ends at a hot spring..Manby Hot Springs near Arroyo Hondo... C Opt.  (google it)

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