Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today we left  the town of Gardner after a pretty rough night,noise in the middle of the night from adjoining room, and a very ordinary breakfast at the motel.
There was one highlight to all this .... at 2pm,music started up enough to wake us both from a deep sleep,
I was liveried, about to kill the person in the next room, I considered my strategy, jumped out of bed only to discover that some bright B.......had set the clock radio to come on,
We left the motel early as we had to back-track through Yellowstone NP to reach the adjoining Grand Teton NP...and grand it was. Only 40 km in length and with only one main road unlike YNP which has a network of roads around a figure concept.
This was a park of ruggered peaks some snow covered, there were several lakes with fly fishermen along the banks, this is an area renowned for fishing.
We had a simple but nice lunch at yet another stunning timber Lodge, this one with an outside eating area over looking the mountains..we didn't want to leave.
The next few hour were spent on a much wider Hwy heading south west  towards the town of Idaho Falls, it was as we discovered a lovely small town on yet another very pretty river.
Tonight we are staying in the Red Lion Hotel ,5 stories up over looking the falls...not bad at all and for a very reasonable rate.

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